January Lineup for Always Faithful Radio

January 1, 2016 – BEST OF 2015 – Laura Story on When God Doesn’t Fix It


January 8, 2016 – Jill Lynn Buteyn – co-author of Just Show Up

Kara Tippetts’s story was not a story of disease, although she lost her battle with 51MNBmmR03L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_terminal cancer. It was not a story of saying goodbye, although she was intentional in her time with her husband and four children. Kara’s story was one of seeing God in the hard and in the good. It was one of finding grace in the everyday. And it was one of knowing “God with us” through fierce and beautiful friendship.

In Just Show Up, Kara and her close friend, Jill Lynn Buteyn, write about what friendship looks like in the midst of changing life seasons, loads of laundry, and even cancer. Whether you are eager to be present to someone going through a difficult time or simply want inspiration for pursuing friends in a new way, this eloquent and practical book explores the gift of silence, the art of receiving, and what it means to just show up.

Jill Lynn Buteyn lives in Colorado with her husband and two children. She has a bachelor’s degree in communications from Bethel University in 2013, she won the ACFW Genesis award for her novel, Falling for Texas. Jill enjoys reading and Kara and Jillwriting stories filled with grace, humor, and happily-ever-after. When she’s not plotting her next book, she can be found hanging out with her entertaining family.



January 15, 2016 – Rhonda Stoppe on If My Husband Would Change I’d Be Happy

Do you know a couple who has been married for a long time and are still deeply in love? Doesn’t your heart long to have a marriage like theirs? What’s their secret?

As you observe such a couple, you may be tempted to say, “Oh that wife is so lucky to be married to such a wonderful man. I wish my husband were more like him.”

If-My-Husband-Would-Change-Id-Be-HappyUpon closer observation, however, you might be surprised to learn that the secret to their happy marriage isn’t related to how “ideal” their spouse is. Rather, it’s because their relationship is grounded in a love that is deeper than their own love for each other. Rhonda Stoppe (stop-ee) says, “A marriage flourishes when both husband and wife learn to love Christ more than any other person in life.”

If My Husband Would Change I’d Be Happy is filled with love stories to encourage and inspire you toward building a NO REGRETS marriage that others will want to emulate.

As a marriage mentor, pastor’s wife, speaker and author, Rhonda Stoppe helps women discover the secret to building a NO REGRETS MARRIAGE by 2655412helping them realize the myths that are holding them back. Rhonda helps women build no regrets marriages by helping them discover:

  • How to build a NO REGRETS MARRIAGE
  • The secret to keeping his attention
  • What romance really means to your man
  • 8 steps to making peace
  • How love grows deeper over the years
  • 10 keys to a happy marriage

January 22, 2016 – Jennifer Kennedy Dean on Prayer Fatigue

download (1)In Prayer Fatigue, acclaimed author Jennifer Kennedy Dean draws on her decades of study and practice of prayer to confront the biggest challenges believers face in keeping prayer fresh and exciting. Jennifer has identified ten common struggles, and addresses each with her signature style of clear communication of scriptural truths. Each chapter addresses one challenge, and suggests a reframing and refocusing that will help readers understand and overcome. Works well in small group settings or for individuals.

Jennifer Kennedy Dean is Executive director of The Praying Life Foundation and a respected author and speaker.

She is the author of numerous books, studies, and magazine articles specializing in 51-gjYbrVvL._UX250_prayer and spiritual growth. Her book, Heart’s Cry, has been named National Day of Prayer’s recommended resource.  Her book, Live a Praying Life®, &, has been called a flagship work on prayer.

Widely recognized as an unusually gifted communicator of the deep truths of God’s Word, Jennifer speaks all over the world calling God’s people to discover the difference between “a prayer life” and “a praying life.”

January 29, 2016 – Sherri Burgess on Bronner: A Journey to Understand

If God is good then why does He allow terrible things to happen? It’s a universal question asked by believers and skeptics alike. Some decide no answer exists, but maxresdefaultnot Sherri Burgess, the author of Bronner: A Journey to Understand. When Burgess and her husband, Rick (host of the nationally syndicated “The Rick and Bubba Show”), lost their two-year-old son in a tragic drowning at home, she turned to God with the same question, and in her grief, learned there are answers. What she discovered about the Lord and herself she now brings to the world in this special book, which Grammy Award-winning recording artist Chris Tomlin said left him “speechless.”

Bronner is an honest and personal narrative that took Burgess five years to write. It brings readers along on her journey of seeking to understand the purpose behind her family’s pain. While admitting we can never truly grasp all aspects of God’s nature, Burgess says she found there were many things she could ascertain about Him, His purposes, and His intentions for herself and her family. “God wants us to ask hard questions,” she reveals. “He wants us to seek Him, and if we do, He promises we will find Him. God’s way is perfect. He wastes nothing but uses everything to teach us, grow us, and mold us into something fit for heaven. We praise Him as Job did when he said, ‘The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken way; blessed be the name of the Lord.’”

Sherri Burgess is the wife of nationally syndicated radio host Rick Burgess of “The downloadRick and Bubba Show.” They are both sought-after ministry speakers and marriage conference hosts.

A former news anchor turned author, Burgess is also mother to two teenage sons at home and two adult children. She currently serves on the school board where her sons attend, leads a girls’ Bible study, and volunteers with various organizations. Her heart is deeply committed to living out God’s will for her life and helping others do the same. While her family may enjoy football, she enjoys her family. She also enjoys gardening and going on short-term missions trips. Her prayer is that the loss of her youngest son, Bronner, will continue to produce fruit for God for many years to come.