Always Faithful Radio Lineup for April, 2016

April 1 & 3 – Mary Theresa Webb & Who’s Calling?

Help and hope for those exploring church leadership or already in ministry positions. An experienced ministry leader and pastoral counselor with a PhD in marriage and family final_covercounseling/addiction intervention helps others discern their own ministry calls, avoid ministry disasters, and develop healthy spiritual leadership. Issues pertinent to real-life church leadership are explored: from identifying destructive church leadership, highlighting the hallmarks of redeemed churches, to helping fallen leaders. Students exploring a call, wounded believers, or pastors sidelined by familial patterns of behavior will find this a helpful, practical look at the mary theresa webbpossibilities and downsides in the world of Christian ministry.

Mary Theresa Webb, PhD shares her ministry calling experience and her expertise as a certified pastoral counselor to help others discern their own ministry calls, avoid disasters, and develop healthy spiritual leadership. She is the author of Tree of Life and Healing Hope for Bruised Souls.

April 8 & 10 – Sherrie Wilson & Faith on Fire

The first woman in the Dallas Fire Department, Sherrie’s true stories are entertaining, shocking, and faith building. Determined to reach her goal of retirement with a full faith_on_firepension, Sherrie tells what it was like to be the first-and only woman-in a profession previously reserved exclusively for men. Told with raw emotion, Sherrie will open your eyes and your heart to the reality of pioneering the way for other women to serve in similar “man-worthy” jobs. Her lighthearted manner belies the “fire in the belly” perseverance required just to show up to work. Truly her character as well as her faith were on the line with her life every time the bell rang. Even more so, her faith and character were developed and tried through the unseen fire between bells in a firehouse filled with men eager to discourage her at every turn.

Trailblazer Sherrie C Wilson was the first female firefighter-paramedic in the Dallas Fire Rescue Department.  During her nearly 35-year tenure she experienced every short of humansherrie - fire-fighter-2 trauma including resilience, love and hate.  Skills honed by firefighting and saving lives prepared her for further community service as a Health, Safety and Communications educator, adviser to EMS organizations, a leadership role in the American Heart Association, and as a National and International speaker, trainer, workshop presenter, author and show host.  Now retired from the fire department, Sherrie serves as founder and president of Emergency Management Resources, LLC ( and FireHouseCommunications, LLC (  She also serves as adjunct faculty member for Texas A&M, Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)

April 15 & 17 – Sandra Scott & Charmers and Con-Artists: And Their Flip Side

High_Res_Charmers_and_ConThis is a psychological study of charmers, con artists, and their hidden alter-ego, the abusers — how they got that way, various profile examples, and how to recover from their artistry of killing you softly with their charm.

Sandra Scott, a Licensed Professional Counselor, has been iScott-Sandran private practice for 25 years, specializing in individual and family relationship issues. This includes 20 years in singles ministry
leadership. She is a conference speaker, certified divorce mediator, and author of STARTING AGAIN: A Divorce Recovery Program, used by all Methodist Churches for their divorce recovery program. She has appeared on many radio and TV shows. More recently, she has written and teaches a class on Recovery From Other People’s Problems, which will be her next book.


April 22 & 24 – Sheila Walsh & The Longing in Me

It is a universal feeling, but we rarely discuss it. A yearning, a pining, a profound emptiness: Often, we try to satisfy it with another person, a full social schedule, and stuff––usually with harmful or even catastrophic consequences.

Sheila Walsh wants women to understand that we will never dull this ache alone, because we are longing for something––Someone––incomparably great.  God and Him alone.

sheilabookIn her highly anticipated new book THE LONGING IN ME: HOW EVERYTHING YOU CRAVE LEADS TO THE HEART OF GOD (Thomas Nelson; April 5, 2016; ISBN: 9781400204892) Walsh shows women that God is the answer to our longing, and that no matter how broken we may be, He loves us now, just as we are.

“My prayer in this book is to help you find the one true Source who can meet your deepest longings so you can change the way you respond to life’s stresses, to give you real tools to heal from the past and find joy today,” she writes.

With her most vulnerable storytelling yet, THE LONGING IN ME explores Walsh’s first marriage, childhood trauma, and other life-shaping experiences she’s never shared before, which she interweaves with other women’s stories and a close study of King David. The new book is accompanied by a DVD Bible study curriculum that explores the struggles of the life of David and how they parallel our own.

Walsh writes from the trenches, never suggesting she has not made bad choices or that her own challenges are over, even as she celebrates her life with palpable joy. Candid and armed with gentle humor and perspective, she locks arms with readers as she encourages and guides us toward healing.

Walsh has sold more than five million books and reached over five and a half million women around the world. Part memoir, part Bible study, part open invitation to healing, THE LONGING IN ME is the powerful next installment in Walsh’s already dynamic catalog. Readers will be transfixed by her narrative and walk away empowered by her message.

“Yes, mine was a long, dark fall, seemingly endless and fatal. But when I hit bottomsheilapic, Jesus was there,” Walsh writes. “Know this: the choices you make in the darkness when no one but God is watching will impact the rest of your life.”

Sheila Walsh is a Scotland-born, Texas-based bestselling author, in-demand speaker, founder of international ministry  Braveheart Sisterhood, Bible teacher, television host, and Christian singer/songwriter. The writer behind Gigi: God’s Little Princess children’s line as well as trade books such as The Longing in Me, The Storm Inside, and Loved Back to Life, and so many more, she has sold more than 5 million books and reached more than 5.5 million women with her unique blend of honesty, vulnerability, wisdom, and humor. Walsh lives in Frisco, Texas, with her husband Barry, son Christian, and three little dogs. For more information, please visit

April 29 & May 1 – Diana Savage & Pseudonym

Sheila Davis once said, “I’d give my life to become a best–selling author”—and that’s exactly what it cost her. Growing up on an Indiana farm, Sheila Davis has one dream—to become a professional writer. But her farmer father sees no reason for his daughter’s fanciful thoughts to pull her away from her duties at home. After winning a scholarship, pseudonymSheila convinces her dad to let her attend a summer writing course at a nearby school, where she flourishes, thanks in large part to the encouragement of her high school English teacher.

It seems as though fate has smiled on her when a whirlwind romance with upperclassman Dan Gray turns into a proposal of marriage, with a promise to support her educational and professional dreams if she’ll delay them and hold a job long enough for him to complete his degree. But Dan’s personal agenda sentences Sheila to years of menial work as he climbs the ladder of academia, meanwhile secretly sabotaging her every attempt to become a published author. The longing never dies, however; and when Sheila gets a once–in–a–lifetime opportunity to take a shot at getting published, she risks everything and dives in—only to encounter some stunning twists and turns she never anticipated, never prepared for, and never even imagined she’d have to confront.

Diana Savage has written or contributed to 12 books, including two Chicken Soup for the Soul volumes, and has published more than 200 articles, short stories, and poems. She dianaspeaks at a variety of venues in the US and abroad and is director of the annual Northwest Christian Writers Renewal conference near Seattle.

As principal of Savage Creative Services, LLC, Diana provides professional writing, editing, and speaking services. These include editing manuscripts for individuals and publishing houses, producing ad copy for small businesses, writing grant applications for nonprofits, ghostwriting for clients, and serving as webmaster for several authors.

Diana earned her BA degree from Northwest University and her Master in Theological Studies degree from Bakke Graduate University. She has served on the board of directors of four nonprofits, as director of women’s ministries at a large West Coast church, and as development officer for a ministry to homeless children and their families.

Podcast from 3/18 with Whitney Putnam on “Imperfectly Brave”


For more info or to order the Imperfectly Brave resources, visit

Live video taping behind the scenes for the interview to be aired later in the week:

Podcast from the radio broadcast on AM 630 KCIS:


Upcoming Shows for March Feature Redemption Press Authors!

March 4 – Shirley Quiring Mozena on Beyond Second Chances

A woman who knows grief and loss after the death of her second husband, is jilted just before an ill-advised remarriage, yet retains her trust in a loving God. Shirley Mozena leans on her beyond secondrelationship with her faithful God while experiencing the pangs of loneliness and regret. Weaving in her family’s backstory, she tells of a shy pastor’s daughter who through dramatic life experiences learned a deep trust in God’s faithfulness in all circumstances. When a new man in her life appears, can Shirley trust his love? One woman’s story of love triumphing over loss will strengthen and inspire.

Shirley Mozena is an outdoors woman, musician, amateur chef, and former elementary music teacher ashirley mozenand librarian. She plays violin in a community orchestra. Twice widowed, Shirley has experienced God’s faithfulness again in
meeting and marrying widower, Jim Mozena. They live in Vancouver, Washington and together, work with others grieving the loss of loved ones through the ministry of GriefShare.

For more on this author visit:


March 11 – Dr. Nick Eno on The Orphan Syndrome: Breaking Free & Finding Home


A counselor outlines the symptoms of a wounded orphan spirit vs. a healthy spirit and how an orphan syndrome affects our relationships and ability to receive love. From alienation, disconnection, restlessness, to an inability to sense God’s love, the syndrome is characterized by the lie that says, “You’re on your own.” Nick Eno provides dynamic, real-life examples of individuals who have struggled with this syndrome, and those who have been healed and transformed by the love of God. Learn how to break free from the bondage of the orphan syndrome to finding your home in God as His son or daughter.IMG_1681-3 copy

Nick Eno is a licensed professional counselor and marriage and family therapist in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. The head of Rehoboth Pastoral Retreats, an oasis for Christian leaders in ministry and the marketplace, Dr. Eno is also the author of In Search of Focus: Abiding in Christ Amidst Distractions (Axiom Press 2006), and a popular seminar speaker. He and his wife Pamela Anderson Eno live in Mansfield, TX.

For more on this author visit:

March 18 – Whitney Putnam on Imperfectly Brave 


What does imperfectly brave look like for you? God knows, and He wants you to dig in-maybe even get a little dirty-and discover your newly defined life. This journey may take time, but by running to the cross you will detangle the Word from the world, find your life ripe with purpose, and experience renewed passion for serving others.

Imperfectly Brave was birthed out of a prayer group. When God started redefining places in Whitney like fear and perfectionism, she started writing it all down. Now, the recently released book, Imperfectly Brave, will help women of all ages and backgrounds redefine bravery and step into their imperfectly brave lives.

Because you have a brave life inside of you.whitney putnam

Whitney Putnam is a dreamer (with two precious little girls) and a visionary (with a pastor husband who is beyond wonderful). They live in Liberty, Missouri and attend a church near a peacock farm.  And she is sure that every woman has an imperfectly brave life to live.

For more on this author visit:


March 25 – Penny Bragg on For Those Who Weep: A Grief Response Journal

For Those Who Weep is a full-color grief response journal that offers hope and encouragemftwwent to those who are grieving a loss. It includes 12 grief essays with art integrated throughout the book. Response pages included so readers can apply the author’s grief story to their own.

Penny’s loss of her brother to suicide began a journey of healing that continues to this day through her ministry by the same name as her book, For Those Who Weep. Along with her husband, Clint, she serves as a marriage  Penny-Braggmissionary through the work of Inverse Ministries, their nonprofit organization. They share their testimony with audiences, teach seminars for couples, and equip ministry leaders across the nation and beyond. Their own story of reconciliation, shared in their most recent book Marriage on the Mend: Healing Your Relationship After Crisis, Separation, or Divorce has been featured on multiple national and international television and radio programs.

For more on this author visit: