Recap / Podcast 12/7 – Nancy Alcorn & Stephen Arterburn

In case you missed the show today, here’s the podcast to listen to!

These two interviews were so powerful…I loved the transparency of both of my guests. First Nancy Alcorn highlighted her new book, Mission of Mercy, and then shared her journey through getting counseling, even as a well known leader in the Christian community, and her challenge to leaders to have the courage to deal with their issues before their issues deal with them. And then Stephen Arterburn shared some very shameful times in his life that led to the writing his most recent book, The 7 Minute Marriage Solution.


I love how God orchestrates the timing He does, just to emphasize a point! Last week I had Hospice Chaplain Gary Roe on, and we talked about grieving over the holidays, and the importance of grieving well rather than running from the pain by stuffing it…and here I’m scheduled to play an interview I did 6 months ago, and low and behold, one of the main topics Nancy discusses is the unhealthy way her family dealt with the death of her baby sister. Love it! God is so faithful!!

Saturday 12/7 – Nancy Alcorn on The Why Behind Our What & Stephen Arterburn on The 7 Minute Marriage Solution

During the month of December, I am going to spend some extra time in prayer to find out how the Lord wants me to fine-tune the Always Faithful format. That means instead of doing a lot of live interviews I’m going to change it up a bit. I’ll still be in studio during each Saturday (Lord willing) but I felt this was a great time to catch up on sharing some more of the incredible interviews I was privileged to do at the International Christian Retail Show in June of this year.

This Saturday, December 7, I’ll share the time I spent with Nancy Alcorn & Stephen Arterburn. Nancy is the founder and president of Mercy Ministries, an international ministry that helps young women with life controlling issues. She will share about her recent release, “Mission of Mercy” and her own personal journey that led her into the ministry work she does.

“I never thought I’d share so many personal details of my life story and private trials…but it was time. Everyone has a ‘why’ behind their ‘what.’ Even me!” – Nancy Alcorn

That statement from Nancy encapsulates her message on this interview…a great encouragement to all in the ministry and leadership to take the time to deal with your pain before it deals with you.

“‘Mission of Mercy’ is a powerful message of hope and healing – the kind that can be found through freedom in Christ. This book will show you that people don’t just wake up one day all messed up…there is a reason people are broken and if we can get to the root of that reason, they can find hope.” Dave Ramsey, New York Times Best-selling Author and Nationally Syndicated Radio Host

If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about the heart of God, or how to make a lasting impact on the lives of others, this book is a must-read. Illustrated by the touching, inspiring testimonies of real women – including Nancy’s own story – “Mission of Mercy” demonstrates how to move from a place of judgment to compassion that leads to action.

When asked about her favorite part of writing the book, Nancy responded, “I was excited to represent the heart of God the way He is, not the judgmental way He’s sometimes portrayed. This is so important because the only way we can have lasting impact on the lives of others is to see people the way God sees and love the way He loves.”

Then during the second half of the show, Stephen Arterburn will share some of the dark valleys he walked through that led him to write his newest book “The 7 Minute Marriage Solution”.

National Marriage Survey IDs Seven Most Harmful and Helpful Marital Behaviors

NEW BOOK reveals survey findings and offers a “7-Minute Solution” for marital discord

“You don’t have to be walking out the door and toward divorce to utilize this plan. The 7 Minute Marriage Solution will take a pretty good marriage to an even greater level of satisfaction.” –Stephen Arterburn

Nashville, Tenn., May 15, 2013–Bestselling author, counselor and syndicated radio host Stephen Arterburn says marriage can be easier than most couples think by uprooting the 7 most harmful behaviors and replacing them with the 7 most helpful ones. After conducting a national survey of over two-thousand married and formerly-married individuals, Arterburn shares the 7 most commonly-cited “harmful behaviors” within a marriage relationship, the 7 most “helpful” ones, and how to implement lasting changes in his new book, “The 7- Minute Marriage Solution: 7 Things to Stop! 7 Things to Start! 7 Minutes that Matter Most! “(May 2013, Worthy Publishing).

Arterburn says, “Yes, we all have issues with our mates, but overall, we make marriage ridiculously harder than it has to be. If we’re honest with ourselves, we all know the self-defeating things we do and the thoughtless things we fail to do every day.” Behaviors that made the list of harmful things include using put-down humor, trying to change their partner, secretly spending money, nagging, using the silent treatment, and holding grudges. The behaviors Arterburn urges couples to start include managing money responsibly, focusing on fun and joy, and respecting their mate.

In “The 7-Minute Marriage Solution,” Arterburn emphasizes ending the bad behaviors, beginning the healthy ones, and most of all, experiencing the best 7-minutes of your marriage together daily using his proven methods. In the book, Arterburn reveals that part of the formula for a better marriage is to incorporate reading the Bible and praying together.

A 30-day challenge to a stronger marriage is available on the New Life website,, adapted from the companion Bible publishing in Fall 2013 titled The 7-Minute Marriage Devotional Bible. Incorporating sound advice from renowned Christian relationship experts including Henry Cloud, John Townsend, Les and Leslie Parrott, James Dobson, and others, the Bible is the perfect resource to use in tandem with The 7-Minute Marriage Solution, available now.

Stephen Arterburn is an award-winning author with over 8 million books in print, including the bestsellers Every Man’s Battle and Healing Is a Choice. He has also been editor of 10 Bible projects, including the Life Recovery Bible. Steve founded New Life Treatment Centers in 1988 and is currently host of the radio and television show “New Life Live.” In 1996 he started the most successful traveling conference, Women of Faith – attended by over 4 million women. He and his wife live with their 5 kids in Fishers, Indiana, where he is the pastor at Heartland Church.

So….join me this Saturday, December 7 at 11AM CST on AM 630KSLR or streaming live on And even though I won’t have an in studio guest, I’ll still be heading off to El Jarro’s for lunch, and would love to have you join me!