Recap / Podcast 12/7 – Nancy Alcorn & Stephen Arterburn

In case you missed the show today, here’s the podcast to listen to!

These two interviews were so powerful…I loved the transparency of both of my guests. First Nancy Alcorn highlighted her new book, Mission of Mercy, and then shared her journey through getting counseling, even as a well known leader in the Christian community, and her challenge to leaders to have the courage to deal with their issues before their issues deal with them. And then Stephen Arterburn shared some very shameful times in his life that led to the writing his most recent book, The 7 Minute Marriage Solution.


I love how God orchestrates the timing He does, just to emphasize a point! Last week I had Hospice Chaplain Gary Roe on, and we talked about grieving over the holidays, and the importance of grieving well rather than running from the pain by stuffing it…and here I’m scheduled to play an interview I did 6 months ago, and low and behold, one of the main topics Nancy discusses is the unhealthy way her family dealt with the death of her baby sister. Love it! God is so faithful!!